There are times in our lives that I believe will be etched into the fabric of our being forever, no matter how hard we try to fight it. Nothing we do can shake those memories from our minds and we must come to terms with the facts that those times may haunt our memoires, toy with our thoughts and have the potential to corrupt our feelings and emotions if we let it. For me, one of those times that will forever be engrained into the inner most parts of my soul and burned into my memory is this night, nine years ago. *Fare warning friends, this is a long, somewhat messy & somewhat disorganized post. I am so grateful you're here and pray you find a sense of hope and encouragement through my sharing a bit of my story with you here today... It had only been 5 days since I had made the life changing decision that I needed to leave my (ex-husband) and flee to safety with my two young children. The fateful day the choice was made for me was Christmas 2011. It hadn't been 100% cle...
Hello, I'm so glad you're joining me here as I share my home-school insights, tips, tricks and lessons learned along the journey. :)