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Shredded Chicken & Cheese English Muffin Breakfast Bake

 HI Friends, Happy Holidays!! This year for our Christmas morning brunch I tried out this new recipe and it was a huge hit with the fam so I just had to share it with you :) I'm loving that this recipe can be made ahead of time (which is great for a holiday meal) and stored overnight in the fridge to save prep time the day you intend to bake it. This year I coupled this with my yummy Cinnamon Roll French Toast Breakfast Bake (recipe link here: Cinnamon Roll French Toast Breakfast Bakefor a hearty breakfast. We ate around 11:30am and still haven't been hungry for much other than a snack of fruit & veggies and it's 6:30pm! It held us all day and we are just getting ready to eat a lite dinner while we watch some Christmas movies :) 

Hope your family enjoys it as much as mine did! :) 


8 English muffins sliced into 1 inch cubes

16 oz shredded chicken or diced cooked ham 

2 cups shredded cheddar cheese

8 large eggs

2 cups heavy whipping cream

1/2 tsp salt

1/4 tsp pepper

*optional: Sprinkle of Basil & Oregano


*Preheat oven to 350' and grease 9x13 in. casserole dish with cooking/baking spray

1. Slice English muffins into thin strips & then into cube size pieces

2. Add half of English Muffin cube pieces to casserole dish & sprinkle with half of cheese and meat.

3. Repeat another layer of English muffin cubed pieces, and the other half of cheese and meat. 

4. In a large bowl mix eggs, cream, salt and pepper and whisk well to combine. Pour over casserole covering it well. 

5. Sprinkle the top with a small handful of cheese and cover with aluminum foil.

6. Bake casserole on top rack for 45 minutes. 

7. Remove foil and return to oven for an additional 15 minutes uncovered. 

8. Remove from oven and cool for 10 minutes. Serve and enjoy!


-Check often to ensure it is baked evenly by inserting a toothpick into the middle of dish and checking if it comes out clean. 

-This yummy casserole would be perfect for a potluck or could be frozen (if prepped without the egg mixture added). If frozen, allow to thaw prior to baking and add egg mixture just before baking. 




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