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The Ultimate comfort food: Easy Green bean tater tot casserole


Hi Friends, 

Today I'm going to share my grandma's delicious green bean tater tot casserole. It is super simple to make, can easily be made ahead and stored in the fridge for later in the week or in the freezer for up to 3 months. I love that it is easy to make, is a great comfort food (similar to shepherds pie without all the extra calories) and the options of what you add in are limitless and can be catered to around every food restriction & easily adapted to fit your families needs. 


⬥1 1/2-2 cups of cooked green beans (fresh) or 1 14oz can of green beans. *They can be chopped or whole, that is up to you and what fits your families needs best. 

⬥1 can of organic cream of chicken, cream of mushroom or cream of celery soup (choice of soup is up to your preference. I tend to use cream of chicken or cream of celery soup with chicken and cream of mushroom if my meat base if beef).

1-2 lbs of ground beef  cooked (or could swap out for 4-6 frozen chicken breasts cooked & shred the meat, could use any meat or meatless option)

⬥Extra Veggies (if desired): I typically add in fresh, frozen or canned corn or a mixture of frozen peas/carrots

⬥1 bag of frozen tater tots (could use veggie tots or any other version you prefer)

⬥1 cup shredded cheese (any variety you prefer. I generally use a Colby jack/cheddar blend or medium cheddar. However I wouldn't suggest parmesan as it will not bake well. Could also try non dairy options but I am not certain how well those will bake) **I love to add Parmesan sprinkled over top after it bakes and is cooling, which is very good!  

⬥1 greased (I prefer to use coconut oil) 9x11 baking dish


*Pre-heat your oven to 350▫ degrees.

~Cover the bottom of your pre-greased 9x11 baking dish with a layer of the meat of your choice. 

~Next cover that with a thick layer of sliced or whole (cooked) green beans.

~To that layer, cover with your choice of cream of: chicken, celery or mushroom soup and spread evenly over green beans and mix it in as best as possible. 

*If you would like to add any additional veggies now is the time to do it! Add in your corn or peas & carrots etc. and blend into the last layer covering evenly. 

~On top of all your layers sprinkle shredded cheese as a top layer and distribute evenly.

*Bake casserole for 35-45 minutes or until tater tots are nice and golden brown and soup layer is bubbling. 

*Remove from oven and allow to cool for 5-10 minutes. 

*Sprinkle a layer of parmesan cheese over top if desired and serve while warm. 

**Goes great with some fresh home made rolls, homemade applesauce, an additional side of veggies or salad. 

Lastly, cover the entire casserole with a layer of your choice of tater tots. 


Hope your family loves this delicious comfort food as much as we do!



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