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The best Instagram-worthy murals in Savannah

 Howdy friends, I'm so glad your here! Join me while we check out some of the awesome murals in Savannah Georgia. 

If you're anything like me you love art, a good mural & finding the best, most unique ones in a large city. On my recent travels to Savannah Georgia I scoped out a plethora of murals that I know you're going to love. Check out several of my favorites below and be sure to like, save and follow along for more murals, hidden gems and travel insights from around several of the USA's top cities.

One of our absolute favorites was the: Welcome to Savannah mural located on: 611 West Oglethorp Avenue (Shown in photo above). It is on the back side of the Thunderbird Hotel and easily accessible. It just so happened that the parking garage we found was just a block away & as an added bonus it was on our way towards the historic River Street. 

Another one of my faves and a must stop for any Pepsi fan is the: Pepsi Loves Savannah mural located at: 4009 Montgomery St.

It is a classic 90's themed Pepsi mural that I know you'll love! All you Cindy Crawford fans can reenact her classic poses to your hearts delight until you capture the perfect shot. 

The next mural I'd suggest stopping at is on the Savannah College of Art Design campus and is quite impressive to see up close. I highly recommend adding this stop to your must see murals list!

The colors and details of this mural are so fun and it is one of the only multi story murals in Savannah. The Montgomery hall (SCAD) mural is located at: 3515 Montgomery Street.

I also recommend adding the Green Truck mural located at: 2430 Habersham Street & the Ya'll sign that's just around the corner in the parking lot. Both are located in the same stop & ooze southern style. I especially liked the Ya'll sign as it's a classic southern saying that I've heard hundreds of times during visits to family  all up and down the east coast & in the deep south.

Lastly, I suggest adding the corner of 41st & Bull street where multiple murals cover the exterior & interior of the old Starland Dairy building.  Some of our favorite murals, the most interesting and humorous ones were at this location. My personal favorites were the Explore Sav & a mural with a Georgia Peach yelling, something about it was just comical to me. ;)  

During our day exploring around Savannah we lucked out & enjoyed having most of the murals to ourselves. We had a good ole' time taking pics to our hearts delight, being silly & making each other laugh. Some of the other contenders for our favorite murals were: the Starland Dairy Cow mural and one of a leopard. I'm not sure if these are ever changed but we had a blast taking pics with them. 

Lastly, I can't forget to mention that if you continue down the Bull street the famous Blue Door Angel Wings mural is definitely worth stopping at for a few photos. They are beautiful and a quick stop if you're in a hurry.:)

 If you enjoy discovering some of the hidden gems when you visit a large city I suggest researching and finding out if there are any known locations of murals in the city. If not, don't be afraid to drive around and explore a bit to see if you can spot any on your own. Many artists love to use a mural as a blank canvas to express their thoughts, feelings and views.
Are there any other murals in Savannah that I missed or that you'd recommend? What city has the most murals that you've enjoyed seeing? Where are your favorite murals located? 

Thanks for following along with me, come join me on my other platform at my instagram handle: thishomeschoolerslife/instagram to check out all of our other adventures & daily life posts. :)

Until next time, happy travels!


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