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Scrumptious Snickerdoodle Cake

 Hi there friend,

We are celebrating my son's birthday this week & his first request was for this homemade cake to be at his party. The recipe was gifted to me from my Aunt J several years ago after it was an instant hit at a family gathering. My hubby isn't a huge chocolate fan (shocking, I know!😉) so this has become his favorite desert that I make & is quickly becoming one of my kiddos faves and I think it will become one of yours as well. It's a delicious combo of light fluffy cake & creamy homemade frosting with an amazing snickerdoodle flavor. 

If you love the taste of a snickerdoodle cookie this cake will delight your tastebuds and if you like baking but don't have a lot of time this is the perfect match on both accounts. Simple to make & savory to the last bite. It fits the bill for every birthday, holiday, special family event, is sure to be a crowd pleaser and a hit at any potluck, casual gathering & party. I hope you & your loved ones enjoy it just as much as we do! :)



-1 pkg plain white cake mix

-1 cup whole milk

-8 Tablespoon butter, melted

-3 large eggs

-1 teaspoon pure vanilla

-2 teaspoons Cinnamon, ground

 *Combine all ingredients in mixer bowl. 

-Beat on low for 1 minute on low speed. Scrape the sides and increase speed to medium for 2 minutes. 

-Next, divide batter between 2 9" round pans that have been greased/floured or sprayed. (**I prefer to spray with coconut oil spray & to line bottom of my pans with parchment paper to ensure easy removal). 

-Bake at 350degrees for 25-26 minutes (check with a tooth pick.) *If it comes out clean set aside to cool. If not pop back in the oven for another 3-5 minutes and check again. 

-Allow to cool on counter for 10-15 minutes before removing to a cooling rack to cool completely. 

While cake is baking mix following ingredients: 

*Cinnamon Buttercream Frosting:

-8 Tablespoons (1 full stick of butter), room temp 

-3 3/4 cup powdered sugar

-3-4 Tablespoons milk

-1 teaspoon vanilla

-1 teaspoon cinnamon

*Combine all ingredients in mixer.

 Mix together on low speed for 1 to 3 minutes. Add 1 additional Tablespoon milk if you prefer. 

-Makes a generous amount, so you can choose to do only 3/4 of recipe instead. 

After both cakes are completely cooled, place one layer on a flat surface, cake stand or serving dish and begin to frost. Smooth frosting across bottom layer until covered, making sure to apply a generous amount on top (this will be the frosted portion between layers). Next place the additional layer on top and continue to frost until entire cake is frosted. Smooth out all frosting to your desired consistency and then cover and set aside until ready to serve. 

The cake should remain fluffy and moist for up to a week if kept covered at room temp. If you prefer to save some and serve at a later date cake could be frozen if stored in an airtight, freezer safe container. Best if used within a few weeks. 

For more recipe ideas head over to the "easy recipes" tab👉 to check out several of my families fave meals & simple recipes. After you try this cake or one of my other recipes drop me a comment and let me know how you liked it or tweaked it to suit your preferences. Follow along & join me on my instagram page at: for other recipes, tips, family adventures & motherhood insights.

Happy Baking,




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