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Excellent & affordable math program for kiddos: A+ Interactive Math

 Hi friends, 

I want to tell you about this great math program I've discovered that's beneficial for both homeschool & public school students alike. If you have a kidddo that is struggling a bit in math, perhaps they have a bit of a love/hate relationship with the subject, struggle to grasp math concepts, finds some topics confusing or just plain out "doesn't like math", I think this program could be a perfect fit for them. With A+ interactive math your kiddos have access to the math help they need & you have the key to a wonderful resource that will help you both achieve your math goals and give you some peace of mind knowing your kiddos are getting assistance that will help them thrive in math. They provide a multi sensory, all encompassing program that easily caters to children of all learning abilities & those with special needs as well by incorporating multiple learning styles. The owner/creator, Vinod spent years researching the best methods for teaching math before creating this online & software program, and uses national guidelines so that your child will be at grade level or perhaps above your state grade level requirements. Vinod also had the foresight to create a program that is very versatile, engaging, easy to use and will save your family money since it can be used for multiple children. So mommas, breathe easy, the days of stressing if your child will be able to master their addition facts or times tables can be behind you! This great program tracks your kiddo's progress while it offers all sorts of fun interactive activities, insightful videos and learning resources that will engage your child while helping to explain each problem/topic step by step and help to alleviate some stress for them in the process. What can be better than that? :) 

How it works: After each lesson your kiddo will have the ability to participate in an interactive review that: simultaneously reviews the topics they just learned, while also providing reinforcement of the topics & reteaches things that they may have missed or gotten wrong the first time through. This is a great way to ensure your kiddo has a strong grasp of each topic before moving on. Another benefit is that it tracks the progress for you, gives you feedback on areas that your student is struggling with, and offers easy to read progress reports so you can see where your kiddo is at and which areas to focus on in your math studies. It also generates proficiency and knowledge checks/tests for you based on the level of each student so you can keep a record of topics your child has mastered. 

We've been using the math program during the 2020/2021 school year and my son has really enjoyed the interactive lessons & watching the videos has been helpful when he has been stuck on a topic or confused by a method, and provided insight for the topics he needed to revisit. I've seen a lot of growth in his abilities and understanding of concepts as well as a boost in confidence since we've been using this program and I would suggest it as a math aide or supplement for any math curriculum. It is easy to use, engaging and allows me to keep tabs on what his progress is while providing him more independence & allowing him to work at his own pace. :)

Cost: For the price of $99.00 you are able to register one student with a 1 year all access to the program (*keep in mind this is a full program so no need to supplement with other math activities or workbooks etc.!) 

For the low price of $149.00 you are able to register as many additional students as you need, up to 10 students for the same low cost! Isn't that amazing!! All your kiddos can be registered under the same great program and there is no additional cost to you :)

Freebies: One of the many bonuses with this program is that Vinod offers a free one month trial so that you and your kiddos can get a feel for the program and check out all that it has to offer before you make a commitment to the program. Other things included are free video samples and a free ebook as well! 

A+ Interactive Math caters to a wide range of students beginning in kindergarten-6th grade and offers pre-algebra & algebra 1 as well. Each grade level provides lesson plans, worksheets, reviews, quizzes/tests, interactive learning, video lessons, and ebook access. The goal of A+ interactive Math is to support your child through their math journey while they grow in their independence, confidence, skills & understanding, and build a solid foundation in math. They offer a great 1 month free trial and have partnered with me to provide all of my readers with an amazing 20% discount for purchasing a membership to the program. **For the remainder of the month of November Vinod has increased the discount to 40% off the regular purchase price for any of my readers using the code: Homeschoolerslife. After November 30th you are still able to recieve a discount using my link at the 20% off regular price. Here is the link for the website :  & the awesome discount link: Homeschoolerslife .  

Let me know what you think after you try the program, I'd love to hear how it works for your family :) 


You can also find me & follow along on my homeschool journey on my instagram at: https://thishomeschoolerslife/ . I'd love to chat with you & get to know you, shoot me an email or a dm and lets get acquainted :)


  1. Thank you so much for a GREAT review. I am confident that this program will make homeschooling math stress-free for thousands of homeschooling families.


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