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The best Cookie & Cream cookie recipe

Hi Friends, 

Today I'm sharing one of my families all time favorite, go to delicious desert recipes. My kids love a warm cookie that's fresh from the oven as much as anyone but this special recipe for cookie & cream cookies is one of their most requested cookies any day of the week ;) 

My hubby isn't a huge chocolate fan so chocolate chip cookies area  rarity in our home. The first time I tried this recipe my family was in cookie heaven and I knew we had found a winner. I'm sure it will quickly become one of your favorite go to desert recipes as well. :) 


** Preheat oven to 350 degrees

* 1 cup butter, softened

* 1/2 cup brown sugar

* 1/2 cup sugar

* 1 (4.2oz) package of Oreo Cookies & Cream pudding mix

* 2 large eggs

* 1 tsp. vanilla extract (I love to use my homemade pure vanilla extract)

* 2 1/4 cups flour (I use organic unbleached flour, but any all purpose flour will work)

* 1 tsp. baking soda

* 1 cup white chocolate chips

* 15 Oreo cookies coarsely crushed (big chunks) 

1) Using a hand mixer, cream the butter and sugars together. 

2) Add in pudding mix & mix until well blended.

3) Add egg, vanilla and mix well. 

4) Add the blour & baking soda and continue mixing. 

5) Stir in white chocolate chips (could use chocolate chips if preferred) & Oreo 

cookie chunks. 

6) Drop cookies by rounded teaspoonfuls (can use a cookie scoop) onto a greased cookie sheet. 

** Bake for 10 minutes or until lightly golden on top and slightly soft to touch. Remove from pan and place on cooling rack to set/firm  (or enjoy right out of the oven while they are warm) 😊

*Yields 2 dozen give or take depending on how large you make your cookies

These cookies are a great crowd pleaser and have always been a huge hit at any gathering I've brought them to. * They also freeze well and are great as a frozen treat :) 

 Happy baking friends!



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