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75 Fun Field Trip tips & ideas (part 2)

Hi friends~

Here is the second half of my fabulous field trip list & educational travel tips with 75 more ideas: 

1) Take tour of one of the famous Caverns/Caves

2) Zoo (check if your zoo has a program for students or home-schoolers. Ours has a sleep at the zoo event that allowed my daughter and I to spend the night at the zoo, tour areas of the zoo not typically open to the rest of the public, learn how trainers care for their animals, meet several species, observe animals in their natural habitats and learn about several career/job options available at a zoo or with animals.

3) Visit a reptile zoo

4) Visit some stables

5) Visit a wax Museum

6) Tour a Riverboat

7) Try a Ropes Course/Zipline Course

Holiday Related Activities:

8) Visit a Pumpkin Patch

9) Go through a Corn Maze

10) Go Christmas Caroling

11) Volunteer at a food bank or to serve a meal at a soup kitchen

12) Go Ice Skating

13) Take a Christmas Tree Farm tour

14) Watch a Christmas Play/Pagent

15) visit holiday bazaars

16)Watch or participate in a Holiday parade/event


17) Look for local Festivals: fall, spring, holiday

18) Go to an Oktoberfest celebration

19) Watch a Scottish Highlands festival

20) Go to a Music Festival

21) go to a Lavender Festivals

22) Tulip Festival

23) Find out when a Renaissance fair has a student/family day (as these days are usually more child friendly/activities)

Local Activities:

24) Interview the owner of a small business and take a tour of their business/day to day routines, etc.

25) Schedule a tour of a local grocery store, bank or restaurant

26) Take a fire safety course at the fire department

27) Schedule a visit with your local law enforcement

28) Visit a nursing home

29) Volunteer at or take a tour of a local Hospital

30) Doctor’s office tour

31) Dentist office tour

32) Eye Doctor Office tour

33) Veterinarian office tour

34) Bowling Alley behind the scenes tour/play a game or 2

35) Mini Golf/activity center

36) Recycling Center tour

37) Power plant or water treatment facility tour

38) Shadow a Florist or take a behind the scenes tour

39) Photography studio tour or lesson about photography ie. lighting, angles etc.

40) Tour a t.v station

41) Tour a television newsroom

42) Tour a radio station

43) Tour a newspaper office/newsroom

44) National Weather service tour

45) Visit a grocery store for a behind the scenes tour

46) Check out a local park that you haven’t visited before

47) Construction Site tour

48) Carousel, ride and tour if possible

49) Airport tour

50) Train Station tour and/or go on a train ride

51) Craft Store: choose a new craft project to do/ take a behind the scenes tour

52) Glass blowing Shop: take a tour, learn how to blow glass

53) Auto Body Shop tour

54) Tour a local College

55) Check out a Car Show

56) Watch an Air Show

57) Schedule a tour of your state capitol building, schedule a visit with your senator & governor

58) Watch a local high school perform a play, musical or concert/band performance

59) Go to an IMAX Movie

60) Tour a Post office (if possible)

61) Tour a Police station

62) Tour a local Bakery

63) Tour a Fire station & learn fire safety

64) Tour a donut shop

65) Tour a coffee shop, learn how they blend & roast their coffee

66) Go to a book signing, meet an author or interview on

67) Forestry Center

68) Vineyard

69) Pond/Lake/River to feed ducks or ride on paddle boats

70) Tulip Farm tour 

71) Arcade

72) Family Fun Center (arcade, mini golf, bumper boats, laser tag etc)

73) State Fair checkout the booths, rides, animals & sample the food

74) County Fair checkout the booths, rides, animals & sample the food

75) Drive go carts

Have fun learning, exploring & adventuring and let me know if you have any more field trip tips or ideas to add to this list! 

Also, you can follow me here on this blog & at my instagram pages: https://thishomeschoolerslife/ & https://thislandisfamilytravels/ to join us in our journey and have access to all the tips & insights I share about homeschooling and all my travel tips :)



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